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Therapeutic fasting

Therapeutic fasting is part of the health improvement system

Now nutrition is elevated by man to the axiom “if you don’t eat, then you will die”. This is partly true, but only partly, and even then it does not work for everyone. Modern man is so used to the cult of food that he considers it normal to eat more than three times a day, to eat refined, even sophisticated food, no matter how harmful it may be. The satisfaction of passion in taste sensations has put the modern world into a terrible dependence, and this dependence is exclusively psychological. If someone hears that a person has not eaten for one day, two, three, then he is seized with horror and sympathy, although the “victim” herself is physically alive and well. Hunger can kill, but this is a slow-acting weapon, it begins its menial work a month or more after launch.

Starvation in an ordinary person who is not overweight, on average, occurs after 80-100 days, because the feeling of hunger as a physical mechanism disappears — the digestive tract organs have atrophied after prolonged inactivity and are not able to digest food. This happens on the 40-70 day from the beginning of fasting. Not so fast? And what about this? A person lives, walks, thinks. Losing weight, but not skinny. And even healthier.

The moment that separates therapeutic fasting from murderous is just the appearance of true hunger, when the body loudly demands food. It is the body that requires it, not the mind and ego in the form of a desire without a need. Few people in their lives have ever felt this real feeling of hunger. When a starving person loses the feeling of hunger, and the state of health worsens-these are signs of danger, when improving everything is just the opposite – a person does not want to eat, but feels fine.

So, therapeutic fasting is a voluntary refusal to eat food in order to improve the body.

Therapeutic fasting

Therapeutic fasting, dry or on water — is a complete refusal to take any food and sometimes liquid for the purpose of recovery. During the entire period, a person does not eat at all. He does this until the body is cleansed and gives the command to take food. The term depends on the individual, on the state of his health and the ability to tolerate hunger. Fasting causes changes in the body that no chemical medications or surgical intervention can carry out, self-healing removes diseased tissues with one hundred percent accuracy, restores damaged areas and strengthens health.

Therapeutic fasting – the basic rules

The rules of fasting are described in many books of both medical and non-medical orientation, they are universal for all people. In general, the whole process of fasting can be divided into three main stages:

  1. Entrance
  2. Abstinence
  3. Exit

The entrance and exit to fasting are just as important as abstinence itself, only the three stages completely represent the full course. Improper fasting – when one of the stages is absent or performed somehow, in this case, the therapeutic effect can not only decrease, but also be negative. Proper therapeutic fasting involves following the sequence and instructions, consulting with a specialist if necessary, as well as aiming to bring the course to full completion.

What diseases does hunger cure?

Supporters of the method claim that fasting cures a person from a number of ailments:

  • Cardiovascular diseases: violation of blood pressure, angina pectoris, thrombosis, post-infarction and post-stroke conditions, ischemic disease, varicose veins, anemia.
  • Weight problems, gout, scurvy, jaundice.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, colitis, ulcers, stool disorders.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system: asthma, bronchitis, pharyngitis, sinus inflammation, pneumonia.
  • Hormonal disorders: diabetes mellitus, goiter, prostate adenomas.
  • Diseases of the nervous system: chronic migraine, sleep disorders, neuroses.
  • Mental illnesses: depression, schizophrenia, epilepsy.
  • Infections: flu, sore throat, smallpox.
  • Eye diseases: glaucoma, keratitis,barley

How to starve properly

Before a hungry diet, it is better to let the body get used to it, making the diet easier. All fatty foods, animal proteins, muffins and sweets are completely excluded from the menu. You will have to eat fruits and vegetables, but without overeating. To properly fast, you should read the general recommendations.