Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kazachkova
Diabetologist, nutritionist, endocrinologist
6 years experience
What does a diabetologist do?
The diabetologist constantly monitors the patient’s blood sugar level. Since this parameter is a key diagnostic criterion that allows not only to identify diabetes (if any), but also to assess the state of health of a diabetic. Also, regular monitoring of this indicator allows you to assess the effectiveness of the treatment and, if necessary, adjust it.
The diabetologist monitors the patient’s condition, timely stopping all complications that arise, and also coordinates the efforts of other specialists aimed at combating this disease. The diabetologist coordinates the work of a cardiologist, neurologist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, rehabilitation therapist, etc.
In addition to the above, this specialist helps the patient correct established habits that can lead to diabetes.

Treatment Methods
Appointment of patients with diabetes mellitus adequate glucose-lowering tablet therapy, insulin therapy
Diet therapy for daily calorie intake, bread units
Individual diet therapy for patients with alimentary obesity
Joint treatment with a gynecologist of patients with MSC and hyperandrogenism
When is a consultation with a diabetologist necessary?
The statistics are shocking. About 17% of the population of our country suffers from this disease. About 2 million people die from diabetes each year. Of these, about 200 thousand are Russians.
Complications of diabetes can be so severe that they can completely destroy the body. Often there are complications such as gangrene, nephropathy, trophic ulcers, ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia, etc. Experts say that diabetes often provokes the development of cancer. That is why it is necessary to make every possible effort to prevent the development of the disease and not to start the disease.
If you have one or more of the symptoms listed below, an urgent consultation with a diabetologist is necessary:
- weakness and severe fatigue;
- thirst;
- dysfunction of the lower extremities;
- increased urination;
- weight change for no apparent reason.

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kazachkova
Diabetologist, nutritionist, endocrinologist
- In 2015 she graduated from the Astrakhan State Medical University with a degree in General Medicine. In 2017 she graduated from residency in the specialty “Endocrinology” on the basis of the North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov.
Refresher courses
- In 2019, she completed an advanced training course on the topic “Nutrition Consultant” at the Academy of Nutrition.
- Endocrinology certificate: valid until 08/31/2022.
Participation in events
- Ekaterina Vladimirovna visited in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019: “Personalized medicine and practical health care” the city of Moscow; “14th Moscow City Congress of Endocrinologists”, the city of Moscow; “6th German-Russian Seminar of Dietetics and Endocrinology”, St. Petersburg; “A multidisciplinary approach to the management of patients with type 2 diabetes and comorbid pathology. A specialist’s view ”the city of St. Petersburg.